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2023-06-22 12:18:01 哔哩哔哩



它有段电影叙事是独道的,就是“因为和所以”,没想到总擅长冷峻又异色风格的大导演David Fincher,能把这个作品做的如此细水长流很耐人寻味。








"The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" is one of my favorite movies. It has a unique narrative style, particularly the concept of "because and so." I never expected that the acclaimed director David Fincher, known for his cool and unconventional style, could create such a thought-provoking and enduring work.

The "because and so" element appears in the scene where the female protagonist, Daisy, breaks her leg. It reflects the nature of human beings—when everything goes smoothly, it's difficult to ponder the cause and effect, but when faced with misfortune, we often reflect on the "what if" scenarios and the choices that led us there. However, unfortunately, many times we don't have control over everything. Each person is like a small paper boat floating in the river of fate, passive in its journey.

But when you do have the power to decide, would you bravely eliminate the evils in front of you, regardless of the consequences?

I remember that night many years ago when I was closing up the shop, getting ready to go home...

Near a man-made stream, I heard a desperate cry of a cat. Instinctively, I stopped my car to rescue the possibly injured cat. However, as I turned a corner around a bridge pillar, what I saw were four or five big dogs, smiling like angels. In the middle of them lay a severed cat's head. Angered, I chased away the dogs, trembling with fury.

That night, I felt as if an invisible mark had been imprinted on me. I learned what "primitive and savage evil" truly meant.

So, when you have the ability and authority, when it seems you can reverse the river of fate, would you courageously move forward to protect the right values and the right people?

※Image sourced from Timeout.

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